Saturday, September 30, 2006

The first blog

See this broadband malarkey? It's all quite exciting really isn't it? It now means that on a quiet night in I can do all sorts of exciting things that I've always wanted to do but have never had the chance. Like set up a blog! First MySpace, now my very own blogspot. It's sad that this is the most exciting thing I have to do on a Saturday night in Shetland...

In my defence, there is a very good reason why I'm in, playing on my laptop, tonight. Namely...last night! Those of you in the know may remember that the gods have been mocking me and I have had my first ever visit by the HMIE (Her Majesty's Inspectors of Education!!) after the grand sum of six weeks as a teacher! Happy days. On the plus side, the Inspectors have now left the island. Thank god. This has been the most exhausting week of my life thus far, and the English Inspector was only here on Monday and Tuesday. Everything went ok, English got a good report and the inspector was really nice to me - helpful feedback and generally positive. And I didn't even have to start crying.

Naturally, after the Inspection comes the Post-Inspection Piss-Up. Which in turn leads to the Post-Post-Inspection Piss-Up Hangover. Hence my being in on a Saturday night. I have spent the majority of the day feeling as rough as the proverbial badger's arse, and there is no power on this earth that would have got me out of the house tonight. Not that I expected anything else. As a general rule if you start drinking at 2.30 in the afternoon and don't make it home until over 12 hours later, there's an above average chance that you'll feel like death the next day. Yeaugh!

And so here I am, setting up my very own blog! And I'm frighteningly proud of my wee self for it, I can tell you. I'm pretty sure that one of the reasons I passed the PGDE year is because I display the neccessary characteristics to be an English teacher:

1. I have a ridiculously large collection of books that seems to grow on a weekly basis. (Most of which, incidently, STILL haven't been unpacked!)
2. Bad punctuation makes me come out in a cold sweat! (She says all too aware that there are probably some spectacular spelling/punctuation/grammatical howlers on this page, but it's the thought that counts.)
3. I think people should need a licence before they're permitted to breed. (Actually, this isn't exclusive to English teachers...)
4. The Most Important One. I am technologically incompetent. Thus my excitement at this blogging thingamajig!

Whether I keep it up or not is a whole seperate issue, but it's worth a shot.


Anonymous said...

oh Nyssa, the excitment is just too much. How do you cope? ;O)
I just have to say that you are correct with the badger comment but I have learnt another solid fact whilst teaching. BOYS ARE STUPID...... throw stones at them. I am of course refering to boys who think that they are men.
Missing you babe.

Nyssa said...

Boys are stupid. It is official - in fact I have a t-shirt that says exactly that! I also haev socks which confirm that "Boys are smelly"!