Saturday, November 04, 2006

Shetland's premier nightclub establishment

Last night I had an interesting experience revolving around Shetland's premier nightclub establishment (like there's so much competition up here...), the oh-so aptly named "Posers". This was only the third time I'd been to Posers, but what made this particularly special was that I was stome cold sober! Honestly. I's unusual...but my back's been playing me up so I'd been taking painkillers all day and I didn't really think that mixing vodka and high-dosage ibuprofen is a recipe for success. And so I found myself in Posers, in the always-comic scenario of being the only sober person in the group.

Being sober in Posers also meant that I realised exactly what a shit-hole it really is! I always knew it was a shit-hole, just not how much of a shit-hole. On the plus side, I'm guessing they've had the cleaners in recently because it was definietly smelling better than usual. (Am I the only one who's noticed that since the smoking ban the assorted icky smells of stale drink and sweat have become a lot more noticable in many bars and clubs?)

Even more turns out that there are actually good looking men in Shetland! Granted, I didn't get any numbers or anything, but the evening was definietly enlivened by the aesthetically pleasing nature of some of the Posers patrons. Things might just be looking up...

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