Saturday, June 02, 2007

On the Wagon

I know I've said this before - several times, in fact, but I really REALLY mean it this time. For the month of June, I am on the wagon. I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I've decided that a pre-Australia, bikini-preparation detox is required. And so, I am stepping up the prep from just gym visits to full blown, on-the-wagon, detox. And everyone is free to remind me of this as and when neccessary - probably next Friday night for example, when I would usually crack open the 'I survived another week' bottle of wine!

Of course, the timing does work out nicely so I can disembark from the wagon fresh as a daisy for the end of year work outing! But for the next 4 weeks...

"Rolling, rolling, rolling. Keep those wagons rolling..."

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