Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Updating: The Short Story 4 (Supplemental)

It hasn't been all work since moving to Perth. I managed a Monkey Weekend camping down south in September, which was its usual hysterically funny, good for the soul, full of filth extravaganza of fun. Yes, I was in a tent, but it was surprisingly lovely weather. I got a bit of a tan. It was great.

I also went to London to see Maria for a few days last week - gotta love teaching for the holidays, if nothing else. Did a load of cultural stuff and a little bit of shopping too - curses to Hamleys! Maria and I went to an exhibit at the National Portait Gallery about the development of photography in the press. Then we were seriously traumatised by an art istallation about women brought into the UK and forced to work in the sex industry. It was produced by the Helen Bamber Foundation and was truely distrurbing. It was meant to be, and it certainly did its job. Much wine was required after it.

We also did some pleasant go on the London Eye, saw Wicked - which is AMAZING - and I went to the V & A and went to their Couture exhibition, and watched a very funny production of The Merchant of Venice at The Globe.

I'm now half way through the second week of the holiday, the puppy and Fonz have finally come up to Perth from Mum's, with any luck Sky is getting installed on Friday - what a saga that's been! - and it's pretty much life as normal. Except now I'm living in a town with hops, pubs, clubs, cinemas, and it doesn't require a twelve hour boat ride plus train to get to the bright lights of Edinburgh town. Woohoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so behind. I'm glad you enjoyed MoV. Next year it's the season of Totus Mundus and they're doing Lear, Merry Wives, Timon of Athens and the Dream. No, there is no connection; that's sort of the point! I'm not sure, I have to say. But I'm still drooling over Toby Stephens...