Friday, October 13, 2006


Hurrah hooray let all rejoice for today is the day when happiness comes upon us!

That's right - school holidays started at 1pm today - it's a happy happy day! It also means that in under 72 hours I shall be back in civilisation, Starbucks in hand, and in a week I shall be at Heathrow airport, checking in for my flight to New York! Woohoo!

I do feel a bit guilty having just put the poor cat into kennels, but it can't be helped. Poor wee thing looked so confused - I came home and she was curled up quite happily asleep on the stairs. Next thing she knows she's shoved into her box without so much as a by-your-leave, put in a strange car and driven to the funny place that smells of other cats. And I leave her there.

I'm a bad person.

But hey, I'm a bad person who's going to New York - I'll learn to live with my guilt. Somehow.

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