Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Who knew hormones were air-borne?

You remember back in the halcyon days of your childhood, with all the excitement of school-photo day? You know, the day your mum’d do your hair specially and your teenage skin would rustle a zit which so big it practically needed its own seat on the bus? Yeah, turns out that that isn’t actually anything to do with being a teenager, it’s actually a natural body reaction to the words “school photo”.

Now, what’s even more impressive is that I didn’t even know that today was school photo day. I CERTAINLY didn’t know that I would be getting my photo taken (staff photo? Bollocks!) And yet my skin knew. With unerring skill it managed to summon a spot on a scale similar to Mount Etna. And where was the beauty? You guessed it, right on the end of my chinny-chin-chin! Oh the joys! I can only asume it's some latent side affect of spending the majority of my time surrounded by hormone-riddled teenagers. Surely adolescence is like chickenpox - once you've had it once you're immune, right? No-one at Moray House mentioned this as a side-effect of teaching....

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