Friday, October 06, 2006

It's Official: I'm a Geek.

I am officially a total geek. Having got overly excited that Level Two of the WOMBATs were available on JK Rowling's website last week, the results came out today. For those of you not in the loop with these sorts of painfully geeky things, WOMBAT stands for Wizard's Ordinary Magic and Basic Aptitude Test and is designed to test basic knowledge and survival skills in the world of Harry Potter. Being entirely a written paper it is open to Muggles as well as Wizards and Witches and is as good as we can get without sitting OWLS or NEWTS.

Like the OWLS and NEWTS the grading scheme is O, E, A, P, D, T. Standing for Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, Acceptable, Poor, Dreadful and (god forbid) Troll. In Grade One - a fair while ago - I was alarmingly pleased with myself to get an O for Outstanding - the highest grade. This time round I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm annoyed with myself for only getting an Exceeds Expectations in Grade Two. I clearly need to spend more time re-reading the books and wallowing on the Harry Potter Lexicon before the next and final exam!

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