Wednesday, October 04, 2006

An Islan' in de sun...

...and no, I do not mean Shetland! (Well, has been nice and sunny here for the last couple of days, but no...I don't mean Shetland!)

Rather excitingly, for once my mother has actually come through on her fabulous christmas pressie-promises (I know, it's only the start of October, but you do have to factor in my mother's metalist tendencies) and I am now tribe member 970! For those of you not in the know, I recommend a jaunt over to
the tribal pages to have a bit of a looksie. Essentially it's a time-share for the twentyfirst century, but it's cool none the less and my mother has just bought me a three year membership to this 'tribe' in Fiji - which entitles me to three weeks holiday on said island, food and accommodation thrown in (I do still have to pay to get there tho), spread over the next three years however I want. Cool, huh?

Now, Fiji is a bit of a trek for a beach holiday, but as I've been planning a jaunt down to the land of Oz for some time now, and the easiest way to get to Fiji is via Australia....I'm sure you can start to see my thinking.

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